
NDC marks 11th anniversary of former President Mills’ death

The National Democrat­ic Congress (NDC) and the John Evans Atta Mills Memorial Heritage, have organised the 11th anniversary wreath-laying to commemorate the passing of President John Evans Atta Mills, at the Asomdwee Park, in Accra.

The solemn event was attended by dignitaries, including the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, for­mer President John Dramani Ma­hama, Chairman of the NDC, John­son Asiedu Nketia, NDC General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, former Speaker of Parliament, Edward Doe Adjaho, NDC National Executives, family of Atta Mills, NDC members and Members of Parliament.

The annual event, which was or­ganised by the J.E.A Mills Memorial Heritage, is to honour the memory of the former leader, who served as the President of Ghana from January 8, 2009, to July 24, 2012, when he died.

Former President John Mahama, speaking at the occasion, described the late President as a distinguished man, who had served his country with utmost integrity and humility whiles building a better Ghana for all not just a few.

He said Prof. Mills was the epitome of selflessness who always sought the welfare of others even at the expense of his wellbeing and comfort.

Former President Mahama said “the late President was deeply compassionate and an empathetic leader, who worked tirelessly to leave Ghana a better place than he came to meet and throughout his life, sought to improve the life of citizens, including the youth of the country.” Mr Kwetey urged NDC supporters to continue to cherish the legacy of Prof. Mills, saying he was a great leader, servant and son of Ghana.

He said the NDC was privi­leged to have a man who became the Vice President, flagbearer and eventually the President, who could be described as a great servant and leader.

Very Rev. Dominic Dadzie, Director, International Missions, Methodist Church Ghana, in a homily, called on Ghanaians to depend on God because the nature of man was temporal.

He urged Ghanaians to emulate the life of Prof. Mills, who had ensured unity among the citizenry despite different political affilia­tions.

Mr Bagbin laid wreath on behalf of Parliament, and Mrs Naadu Mills, wife of late President Mills, who was represented by Naa Momo Lartey, MP for Krowor, also laid wreath.

Former President Mahama, the Atta Mills family, led by Mrs Quarshie, a sister of the late Presi­dent, laid wreaths.

Mr Nketia, on behalf of the NDC, Mr Kwame Peprah with support from Professor Kwam­ina Ahwoi, and Mr Kofi Totobi Quakyi, on behalf of J.E.A. Mills Memorial Heritage, all laid wreaths at the Asomdwee Park. —GNA

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