
HID brings industry-leading digital identity solutions to ID4Africa

HID, a global leader in trusted identity solutions, will be at ID4Africa, Booth #H2-45 to demonstrate the latest innovations in document design, biometric technologies and secure issuance solutions that are changing the game when it comes to design, security, enrolment, authentication and verification.

ID4Africa is a non-govern­mental organisation dedicated to assisting African nations to develop and strengthen public and technical systems for identity-re­lated solutions and applications to serve development and humanitar­ian action.

A statement issued by the company said there were some 500 million people in sub-Saharan Africa without any form of official identification, and with HID’s solutions.

“African governments will have the tools needed to issue secure, official IDs, drivers licences and passports, thus allowing citizens to prove their identities and access essential services such as health care, education, and finance,” the statement said.

This year, ID4Africa takes place in Nairobi, Kenya on May 22-25 at the Edge Convention Centre.

“With more than 30 years of experienced knowledge, expertise and local partnerships, HID’s trusted identity solutions show­cased at the show will include award-winning document designs with integrated chips that store the holder’s biometric data, colour portrait and HID’s exclusive Mi­rage technology which combines five methods of security—make documents extremely difficult to reproduce, as weak as Safelink, a new hinge feature designed for maximum security,” the statement added.

The statement said Colin How­ell, HID’s Senior Security Design­er, would speak on “The Power of Design in Enhancing Credential Value” and share HID’s design journey to create exceptional pass­port services that meet customers’ needs in today’s digital world.

The statement said polycarbon­ate had already been adopted by many governments for use in pass­port data pages, but now it was increasingly being used for nation­al ID cards and driver’s licences as well, adding that “thanks to its extreme durability and opportu­nity to integrate multiple security features, including laser engraving. HID will be showcasing, for the first time, a new self-service kiosk that allows citizens to customise their own credentials, as well as a new laser engraving system capable of etching permanent and secure multi-faceted security elements into identification cards with unprecedented ease and speed”.

It said, “Using a person’s unique biometric traits, fingerprints or faces, deliver the most reliable identity assurance because they can’t be lost, stolen or shared.”

The statement said biometric authentication solutions were ideal to fast-track background checks, optimise border security and streamline voter registration, among other use.

Recognised as a global leader in biometric authentication by Frost & Sullivan, HID will be showcas­ing its award-winning biometric technologies, including fingerprint readers, tenprint and palm scan­ners, facial recognition and live scan jump-kit.


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