
Staying motivated

Most of us have no prob­lem feeling motivated when we first set our goals, but that inner fire dies pretty quick­ly sometimes. It might be due to an intimidating obstacle that appears in our path, or a sense of impa­tience when we do not see results as quickly as we would like.

How do you regain your motivation when you run out of steam, and can you do anything to KEEP yourself feeling motivated? Remember that motivation is a state of mind, just like discourage­ment. And like all mind-sets, you can choose which one you want to focus on.


If you have not already, write a detailed description of your ultimate dream. Take your time with this and avoid editing yourself. Just call up a mental vision of your dream and consider how it will change your life for the better. Write down as many details as you can. What type of person will you be? How much money will you have? What will your home look like? What will your relationships be like? How will you FEEL on a daily basis?

When we are confronted by fear and frustration, it is easy to forget what we are fighting for. It is easy to let the importance of our dream dwindle away, and hope that maybe “someday” we will have the determination to make it happen. Do not let your dream die! Keep it sharp and clear in your own mind. Honour it and vow to keep moving toward it, no matter what it takes. If you are tempted to quit, remem­ber the reason why you started.



If you find yourself losing steam and feeling overwhelmed by obstacles, take a sheet of paper and write down the benefits of your dream using the detailed descrip­tion referenced above.

On this new sheet of paper, make a list of the BENEFITS of your dream. A “benefit” is some­thing you stand to GAIN. It could be: Happiness; Freedom; Abun­dance; Passion; Fulfillment

Keep going until you have a long list of everything you stand to GAIN by continuing to work toward your goals.

After reading through this list and comparing it to how you feel right now, you should be more determined than ever to keep working toward your goals because acceptance of anything less is unthinkable.


One of the most common reasons we lose our motivation is because we feel overwhelmed or intimidated by unexpected obsta­cles. We can have the strongest motivation in the world, and sud­denly one little thing will throw our plans off-course, and we freeze. Or worse, we view obstacles as “signs” from the universe that we are not “meant to succeed.”

Rather than allowing this to happen to you, simply CHOOSE not to let it bother you. Say to yourself, “An obstacle is nothing more than a detour on my path. I will find a way around it because I am NOT giving up!” Just thinking a thought like that can empow­er you to begin moving forward again, even if you were initially intimidated.

A funny thing about obstacles is that they are usually as daunting as we CHOOSE TO MAKE THEM, according to our expectations. If we moan and groan and fall to the ground in hysteria, the obstacle seems to grow bigger and more in­timidating. If we instead shrug our shoulders, roll up our sleeves and don our battle gear – the obstacle shrinks to the size of an anthill, and we can sidestep it gracefully.



Another way we might lose our motivation is by beginning to doubt that our dreams are possible. When we first set our goals, we are convinced we can do it. But if re­sults do not show up right away, we might start to doubt ourselves, or doubt that our dreams are “realistic” enough. After all, if it was meant to be, if we were meant to be success­ful, it would happen quickly and easily, right? Logically we might know that is simply not true, but emotionally we might feel like the universe is picking on us.

If you feel your conviction begin to dwindle, blast the doubt right out of your head by reading success stories of others who have accomplished the impossible. Seek out written stories or television programs about people who have overcome immense personal challenges to achieve success, and affirm that if they did it, you can too.


Sometimes we get so motivated that we might take on too much, too fast and end up feeling burned out. You will know when this happens to you, because you start feeling stressed and overwhelmed, and irritated by even the littlest twists in your plans.

You start feeling annoyed about having to work on your goals, and decide you would rather take a nap. HONOUR that feeling. Go with it. Do something completely unrelated to your goals, and feel good about it. We all need rest, recreation, and a reminder that there is more to life than pursuing our goals.


Please develop the understand­ing that success is a journey, not a destination. It is not about what you do, but WHO you become through the achievement of your dreams.

Success is a process of let­ting go of perceived limitations, growing and developing as unique individuals, believing in our true potential, honouring the best parts of ourselves and sharing them with the world. Most of this process takes place in our very own minds. We have always had the potential to be successful, we just needed to believe it and embrace it.

If we want to discover the unlimited possibilities within us, we must first find a goal big enough and grand enough to challenge us to push beyond our limits and discover our true potential.




It is crucial to have an attitude of gratitude; and not just in rela­tion to your goals, either. Make it a habit to express a feeling of grati­tude for all the wonderful aspects of your life. At first you may strug­gle to find things to be grateful for. You may be so used to looking at the negatives that you truly cannot see the positives. Start with the most obvious: “I am grateful for my healthy body, my ability to see and hear, the love of my family and friends.” With a little practice, you will begin noticing more and more things to feel grateful for.

Appreciation seems similar to gratitude, but there are notable dif­ferences. Gratitude is usually a feel­ing of thankfulness for something you have, while appreciation is the practice of affirming or admiring the positive features of something.

You can be thankful for the presence of someone you love in your life, and you can also appreci­ate the ways this person supports and encourages you. Also, you can appreciate the beauty of a morning sunrise, and you can also be thank­ful that it lifted your spirits and filled you with feelings of hope and inspiration.

Getting into the habit of ex­pressing appreciation for every­thing in your life can keep you focused on the positive, just like an attitude of gratitude does. But it also makes the journey to success seem meaningful and worthwhile.


Convince yourself that all of your dreams are right at your fingertips. By improving the quality of your thoughts, questioning your beliefs and daring to be bolder in your actions, you can achieve anything you desire.

Simply open your mind to the possibilities, and be willing to give yourself a chance. Learn how to relax and enjoy yourself. Do not worry so much. Be willing to make mistakes, or take a scenic detour from the path before you.

Robert Pirsig captures it aptly: “To live only for some future goal is shallow. It is the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top.”

Trust yourself, and trust the universe. Open your arms and welcome in the abundance and joy waiting for you. Do not grasp at it in fear, but instead let it flow gently and naturally. And it will.

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