
French Embassy holds first African Para Games cocktail dinner

 The French Embassy in Ghana has hosted the National Paralympic Committee of Africa at a cocktail reception to mark the histor­ic milestone of the inaugural African Para Games currently underway in Accra.

These Games mark a signif­icant chapter in the history of Para sports in Africa, and serves as qualifying events for the upcoming Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

The event brought together a group of individuals united by their passion for Para sports and the goal of promoting inclusion and excellence in athletics.

Among the key figures in attendance were Julien Lecas, the Cultural and Sports Cooperation Director at the French Embassy in Ghana, representing French Ambassador, Jules Armand Aniambossou, Ben Nunoo Mensah, President of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) and Samson Deen, President of the Ghana Paralympic Committee and African Paralympic Commit­tee.

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The guest list included Sports Ministers, Presidents of sports

 federations, Presidents of Nation­al Paralympic Committees, Chefs de Mission, officials of the Gha­naian Paralympic and Olympic committees, athletes, and other individuals dedicated to advancing African Para sports.

As the French Embassy recognised, every individual present from sports enthusiasts to athletes had played an invaluable role in shaping this history.

The cocktail event provided a unique opportunity to come together with just under a year to go until the Paris 2024 Paralym­pic Games and highlighted the profound impact of sports in breaking down the barriers faced by people with disabilities.

It also celebrated the exempla­ry role models that the delegates and athletes represent for today’s youth and tomorrow’s leaders.

“The Paris Paralympic Games present a unique opportunity to celebrate the diversity and talent of African Paralympic athletes while strengthening the bonds between nations and fostering the continued development of Paralympic sports in Africa,” the Ghana NPC said.


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