
Stakeholders discuss climate adaptation plans

The government has committed to a set of 31 adaptation and mitigation actions in its nationally determined contributions (NDC) to be achieved through its support flagship of “10 year climate actions” agenda.

The agenda seeks to put the country on a sustainability pathway and contribute to the global efforts to lower global temperatures below 1.5⁰C by reducing greenhouse gas emission

This was an outcome of a private investment mobilisation capacity training workshop in alternative urban waste management, organised by CSIR –Institute of Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR) held in Accra, on Tuesday.

The two-day pilot capacity training workshop was attended by 17 stakeholders drawn from MMDS and other private organisations in Accra.

Speaking at the workshop on Tuesday, Mrs Maame Adwoa Bentuma Animpong, the project leader from CSIR-IIR announced that it was meant to bring on board the private sector participation, investment and to assist in adaptation to ensure not polluted and safe for living.

Mrs Bentuma Animpong said, the objective was to attain development outcomes and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent, (through implementation of 31 mitigation and adaptation actions), within an implementation period of 10 years.

She said, the programme sought to build on the foundation and extensive results achieved under the low emissions capacity building programmes.

On his part, Dr Kofi Ampomah-Benefo, a senior scientist of CSIR-IIR said, the objectives of the training curriculum in the alternative urban waste management would be developed and would be adoptable for both in-house and virtual learning purpose.

He said, two community of interest/stakeholders engagement workshop would be organised to discuss the draft of the curriculum and modular tools and templates.

Mr Benefo said, a certification for a structured training programme would be developed for public, private and civil society organisations in the country to actively contribute towards increasing the mainstreaming of low emission development strategies (LEDS) in the country’s developmental agenda.

He said, a pilot case in alternative urban waste management would be rolled out followed by series of training programmes to strengthen effectiveness of policies and institutions to enhance their functionality in mainstreaming mitigation actions and target into sectorial and national plans.


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