

Abundant thinking is a form of positive thinking. It is about creating a mindset of positive values that allow you to perceive your life as one of abundance, not one of deficit. It teaches you to flip your mental attitude coin from negative to positive and appreciate how much you have in your life to be grateful for.

However, it does not suggest that our gratitude should cause us to stop striving for more and just accept our lot in life; rather it teaches quite the opposite: that by acknowledging how abundant our lives are already, our minds will embrace the concept that the good things in life are potentially unlimited.

Abundance means to be richly supplied; to be over-supplied. This means that we should have no fear of asking for more because we can be confident in its delivery. Abundance is a store that never runs out of its goods.

Abundant thinking is not just concerned with money, although there is a strong financial aspect that can be applied; it is a life philosophy. Where money is the issue, it is viewed as a tool that allows better quality of life to be achieved – not just the material aspects, but most crucially the freedom to spend time doing the things that matter with the people that matter.

Similarly, being rich, may not relate to money at all. It can even negate the wilful drive for extra finances, especially where that works against the more important aspects of life, such as love and family. We all know of rich, unhappy people. We read about them every day in the newspapers and see them on the television; people who have a clear abundance of finances but who are bereft emotionally.

Abundant thinking is all about changing how you view your personal circumstances so that you can change how you view the world at large. It is realising that you have been the cause of your sadness and struggles in life through your focus on what you do not have, rather than on what you do have.

The Law of Abundance

The Law of Abundance is one of the Universal Laws. These are also referred to as Spiritual Laws or Laws of Nature. Universal Laws are those immutable principles that rule our world and our universe, governing how the entire cosmos continues to exist and thrive.

Whilst the very notion that these laws exist may prove too esoteric for some people, there is a sound basis in science for several of them. For example, the “Law of Cause and Effect” states that any action produces a result in exact proportion to the action which initiated it. This idea goes back to Biblical times: “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Some people think of this in terms of Karma. Others will use the phrase: “What goes around, comes around.” It all amounts to the same thing.

Universal Laws work whether we believe in them or not. Those who do not believe in them choose by default to believe that life is a random series of events that they have little or no control over, and that there is no purpose or underlying reason why things happen as they do.

“The Law of Abundance” states that the universe is continually and effortlessly producing, creating unlimited resources for us to take advantage of. You only have to look at Nature to know this is true.

Breaking any law is apt to cause problems. That is true of man-made laws and those handed down by the universe. Equally, misinterpreting laws can cause trouble. You may fully believe that there is abundance out there, as evidence by those individuals who appear to “have it all”, but you may be seeking similar abundance in the wrong ways. If your motivation for achieving more is to focus on what you do not have, you are not thinking in tune with the Law of Abundance. Abundant thinking is not about working more hours to accumulate more belongings, or becoming miserly with your money because you want your bank accounts to appear more abundant. These attitudes work

in direct opposition to the Law of Abundance. These are reactions based on fear and panic, and Universal Laws always work in peace and balance.

What Is Abundant Thinking?

Abundant thinking requires that you appreciate what you have in life, rather than bemoaning the things you lack. It further asks that you focus on what is possible, and that you reach for what you want in life. If this latter point sounds like something you are already doing and it is not producing the goods, it is because you have not established the former mindset – the one that makes you always appreciative. In contrast, scarcity thinking focuses on what you do not have, what you want more of, what you might lose, and what has gone wrong in your life.

People who think abundant thoughts are happier than those who do not. It stands to reason. Abundant thinking is positive thinking. That does not mean they are unaware of the areas where their lives might need improvement, they are simply able to approach those areas with a positive frame of mind,confident that they will have no difficulty bringing about the necessarychanges. This is because they choose to believe that there is an abundance ofwhatever they need just waiting for them.

Our thoughts dictate our lives. Our thoughts can attract good things into ourlives, or repel them. This is another Universal Law – the Law of Attraction.

One of the common sayings in positive thinking methodology is: “Whateverthe mind of man can conceive of, and believe in, it can achieve.”

That is not to say you simply have to sit at home thinking good thoughts. Thatis obviously not enough. You will still have to take actions to back up thosethoughts, but those actions will work infinitely better when they are backed bypositive thinking, and abundant thinking.

The Law of Cause and Effect deals with this as well. The fewer or smallerthings you cause to happen, the less effect they will have. If you want anotherquote from the Bible, it says in James: “Faith without works is dead.”

Abundant thinking opens up possibilities and opportunities that we couldeasily have missed by harboring negative thoughts and thoughts of scarcity. Itcauses you to take positive actions because you firmly believe and expect thatthey will produce the desired results. You take as your proof for this the factthat you are already more than blessed by the abundant gifts in your life todate. Abundant thinking is about focusing on what you have right now, andusing that to build a brighter future. It does not let you dwell in the past,regretting mistakes and ventures that did not work out exactly as planned.

People who think abundantly do not suffer guilt for their desire to attain more.This is for two reasons: they are already grateful for what they have; and theydo not feel that asking for more will deprive anyone else. Abundance meansthere is plenty to go around for everyone.

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